Monday 6 October 2008

And from the clerical corner...

The cleric in question shall remain nameless...suffice it to say, he's a good friend.

We were discussing the pros and cons of the internet when...

Cleric: I'm sick of getting emails about penis enlargements.

Me: I know. Me too - and you know how sensitive I am about my penis size.

Cleric: (laughs) Things would have been very different if you had had a penis.

Me: Yes. For one, I'd be Pope by now.
Cleric, in a voice combining long-suffering and horror: Oh. my. God. (gesturing towards my cleavage) Well, it's a good thing He gave you those then.

It's time this bitch got some respect...and her own back:



Anonymous said...

You'd rock as Pope. I'd vote for you - obviously I'd have to be a cardinal, but then red is my colour....

Anon said...

Is that a mirrored dog collar? That would be so useful for the lip gloss... ;)

Pragmatic Mystic said...


Leeds Cardinal, you know not how missed you are. I'd like to think I'd rock as Pope too - and go around doing more listening than proclaiming.

CJ - HON, HI!!! Someone took a flash pic, it looks like, but you're right - a mirrored dog collar would be so useful for the Mac LipGlass or Lipstick. In terms of Mac shades, I'm a Diva - no surprise there then. ;-)

Mwah, girls. xxx

Anonymous said...

You as pope???

Then I wouldn't get to see you so often...sigh...

on the other hand, you'd do a mighty fine job. And just think what you'd do for clerical style...!!!