Welcome to 'Write to Marry' day - a day where bloggers band together to speak out in favour of same-sex marriage and encourage voters to vote *NO* on California's Proposition 8.
I can't even begin to touch this post by Liss at Shakesville, so I'm not even going to try. I'm just going to tell you to go there and read it. It's the best reason ever for today.
I'm just going to be short and to the point - a rarity for me.
I was born straight. My first crush was Bob on Sesame Street, and in first grade I fancied Brendan Pelarski, soon to be overthrown by Nicky, who had the most gorgeous red hair and freckles. I was part of the mainstream, except for the fact that I didn't - and for the most part, still don't - fancy men from my ethnic/racial group. But even that has become normal over time, so I still qualify as mainstream.
Marriage, had it (or, Lady willing, when it does) come, would be legally easy for me. (Let's leave out the 'OHMIGOD, I'm caught' and all the emotional stuff that will come with it.)
But why shouldn't it be just as easy for my friend Andrew? Or my friend Van? Or any one who was born primed to love someone of the same sex just as I was born primed to love someone of the opposite sex?
You love where you love. That's all there is to it.
Marriage doesn't equal one man and one woman. Marriage is a union between hearts and souls, which are beyond gender.
THIS is marriage:

To quote Reiza, who linked to this photo, and so many others before her:
Marriage = love
California, vote NO on proposition 8. Keep the true meaning of marriage alive.